by Buckner | Aug 1, 2013 | Art Nerd, Exciting Art Videos!
The Pixel Painter
by Buckner | May 8, 2013 | Art Nerd, Exciting Art Videos!, Gearhead, Uncategorized
Yeah, Yeah. I know. But as a petrolhead AND a graphic designer, I think this fits my interests.
by Buckner | Nov 3, 2011 | Art Nerd, Exciting Art Videos!, Uncategorized
by Buckner | Sep 30, 2011 | Art Nerd, Exciting Art Videos!, Uncategorized
…fix my damn moto. Its riding season!
by Buckner | Sep 27, 2011 | Art Nerd, Exciting Art Videos!, Uncategorized
Stumbled upon this while looking for ideas while designing a kit for a local Denver cycling team. Pretty cool images in there. You MIGHT have to watch on the yoooTübez and not at this fine establishment. Its prolly closing time anyway.